SEDERI Research Prize

As part of its commitment to endorsing the work of new researchers in the field of early modern English studies, the Spanish and Portuguese Society for English Renaissance Studies (SEDERI) awards the SEDERI Research Prize to the best paper presented in its annual conferences by a Ph.D. candidate.


1) Participants must be conference delegates who at the time of the conference are graduate students of an official Ph.D. programme. Delegates must verify their status as Ph. D. candidates before the conference, preferably during the registration. They must specify the provisional title of their Ph.D. thesis, the programme and institution, and their supervisor’s name.

2) Participants that were awarded the prize in previous years are not eligible a second time.

3) The papers presented by all eligible candidates will be assessed by a jury of specialists appointed by the SEDERI executive board and the organizing board of each conference.

4) The jury will take into consideration the papers’ originality and quality, their structure and organization, as well as the candidates’ oral skills.

5) The jury’s decision will be announced during the closing remarks of each conference.

6) The SEDERI Research Prize is endowed with 200€ and a diploma certifying the awarding of this prize. Additionally, the winner is invited to participate in the following year’s SEDERI conference without having to pay the inscription fee. The jury may award the prize ex aequo.


2024 (Salamanca, University of Salamanca)

Nadia López-Peláez Akalay (University of Jaén), “‘Gotta Serve Somebody’: Displays of Miltonian Hell in Bob Dylan’s Pandemic Album Tour“

2023 (Valencia, University of Valencia)

Juan Gallego Benot (Autonomous University of Madrid), “’Can this anatomy, this skeleton, these ruins, this rubbish of Job speak?’ Donne’s wretched Catholic Church“

2022 (Barcelona, Autonomous University of Barcelona)

Rebeca Martín Mozo (University of Valladolid), “Mary Magdalene’s Grief and Mourning in Gervase Markham and Religious Identity”

2021 (Online, University of La Laguna)

Eneas Caro Partridge (University of Seville), “When a Turk Is Not a Turk: The Appearance of Mock-Turkish Language in Molière’s Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme (1670) and Ravenscroft’s The Citizen Turn’d Gentleman (1672)»

Marta Maroto Bueno, (Autonomous University of Barcelona), “Hell is empty and all the devils are here”: Cruelty, the Expiation of Sins and Artistic Creativity in Shakespeare’s The Tempest

2019 (Lisboa, University of Lisboa)

David Swartz (University of Nova Lisboa), “Shakespeare’s Tenth Muse: The Will to Nothing“

2018 (Guadalajara, University of Alcalá)

Jennifer Ruiz-Morgan (University of Murcia), “Tragic Transformations. The Character of Juliet before Shakespeare”

2017 (Pontevedra, University of Vigo)

Isabel Guerrero Llorente (University of Murcia, ex aequo), “And the winner is…: Shakespeare at the Almagro Off”

Víctor Huertas Martín (Autonomous University of Madrid, ex aequo), “Julius Caesar: Shakespeare’s ‘African Play’… or Film?”

2016 (University of Valladolid)

David Amelang (Freie Universität Berlin), “From Directions to Descriptions: Theatrical Nebentext in Printed Plays as an Authorial Outlet”

2015 (Baeza, International University of Andalucía (UNIA) / University of Jaén)

Nora Rodríguez Loro (University of Seville) “The Female Dramatic Dedication in the Early Restoration Period”

2014 (University of Oviedo)

Maria Anna Zazzarino (Autonomous University of Madrid), “Wanderers and Nomads: The Experience of the Panoptic City during The Great Plague”

2013 (University of Huelva)

Natalia Brzozowoska (Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland), “Charting Early Modern Emotions: A Power-Status Analysis of Gender and Anger in Beaumont and Fletcher’s The Woman Haterand Swetnam the Woman Hater Arraigned by Women (Anonymous)”

2012 (University of Seville)

Susana Paula de Magalhaes Oliveira (University of Lisbon), “‘But why no women write, I pray?’ Sarah Jinner’s Defense of Women’s Public Voice in her Almanacks

Honorary mention: Pedro Alemany Navarro (University of Seville), “‘Naked beneath cool shades they lay’: The Libertine Paradise in Rochester’s ‘The Fall’”

2011 (Madrid, UNED)

María Jesús Pérez Jauregui (University of Seville), “Burning the Heretic: Conscientious Revision in Henry Constable’s ‘Falselye doth envie of youre praises blame’”

2010 (University of Porto)

Miguel Ramalhete Gomes (University of Porto), “Goths 1985”

2009 (University of València)

Remedios Perni Llorente (University of Murcia), “Ophelia at Margins: The Recovery of the Body”


2008 (Almagro, Universidad de Castilla la Mancha)

Juan Francisco Cerdá Martínez (University of Murcia), “Filming The Taming of the Shrew for Franco’s dictatorship: La fierecilla domada (1955)”


The prize was not awarded in Cádiz 2007

2006 (Cáceres, University of Extremadura. Sponsored by Oxford University Press)

Cinta Zunino Garrido (University of Huelva), “‘A mere iest and fable?’: William Adlington as a Humanist Translator”