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Before sending your manuscript, please make sure that your piece complies with all these requirements:
- Check the word count (including footnotes and references)
- Articles: 5,000–8,000 words.
- Notes: 2,000–3,500 words.
- Reviews: 1,000–1,500 words.
- Include an abstract (max. 100 words) and 5 keywords.
- Abstracts are published in English, Spanish and Portuguese. If Spanish and/or Portuguese are not your native language, please let us know.
- Format, citations, and references follow SEDERI’s style sheet.
- Use American English spelling and punctuation.
- Remove personal details from the file of the contribution and from the properties of the file.
- Make sure your name, affiliation, address and other details are only provided separately and NOT included in the file of your essay. During the online submission process, you will be asked to record these details in the platform.
- Originality: the research piece has not been previously published (either in print or online) and is not under simultaneous consideration with another publisher.
- Copyright: no copyright of another journal, author or publisher is infringed.
- Obtain permissions for publication of copyrighted material like images, etc.
Note that non-standard ASCII characters or unusual fonts, particularly special characters in Old and Middle English, Phonetics or Greek, illustrations, graphics, tables, pictures, etc. must be consulted with the editors.
- MARGINS: 2,5 cmfor all the margins.
- FONT: Times New Roman 12 throughout the text (including title, subtitles, notes, quotations, etc.)
- HEADINGS AND SUBHEADINGS should be capitalized in the same font and size.
- Use FOOTNOTES rather thanendnotes.
- Short quotations (up to 40 words) should be incorporated into the text, using quotation marks (“ ”).
- Longer quotations should be indented without quotation marks and no italics.
SEDERI follows the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS)in its latest version (Chicago Style 17th ed). For a quick citation guide, see
1. References within the text and in footnotes
- SEDERI uses the author-date citation system, that is, the identification of sources is given in parenthetical citation in the textas they are mentioned or needed for support in the text.
- The information in parenthesis should include: author + publication year + page number(s).
- Example: (Owen 1996, 27)
- If the author’s name is mentioned in the text, there is no need to repeat it in the citation.
- Example: … Owen (1996, 27), has downplayed the importance of personal satire…
Footnotes are intended for providing further detail/commentary or for explanatory purposes.
2. List of bibliographical references
A list of works cited should be provided at the end of the essay under the heading “References,” following the Chicago Manual of Style (CMS16).
Here you can find some examples of bibliographical citation for the reference list:
- Carnegie, David, and Gary Taylor, eds. 2012. The Quest for Cardenio: Shakespeare, Fletcher, Cervantes, and the Lost Play. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Fuchs, Barbara. 2013. The Poetics of Piracy: Emulating Spain in English Literature. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press.
- Sidney, Philip. 1992. Astrophil y Stella. Edited by Fernando Galván Reula. Madrid: Cátedra.
- Bald, Marjory A. 1926. “The Anglicisation of Scottish Printing.” The Scottish Historical Review 23 (90): 107-15.
- Liu, Jui-Ch’i. 2015. “Beholding the Feminine Sublime: Lee Miller’s War Photography.” Signs 40, no. 2 (Winter): 308-19.
- Snyder, Susan.2001. “The Genres of Shakespeare’s Plays.”In The Cambridge Companion to Shakespeare, edited by Margreta de Grazia and Stanley Wells,83-97. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- London, British Library. MS Harley 2392.
- Cuarón, Alfonso, dir. Gravity. 2013; Burbank, CA: Warner Bros. Pictures, 2014. Blue-ray Disc, 1080p HD.
- Brantley, Ben. Review of Our Lady of Sligo, by Sebastian Barry, directed by Max Stafford-Clark, Irish Repertory Theater, New York. New York Times, April 21, 2000, Weekend section.
- According to the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th ed. (15.58), «live performances, which cannot be consulted as such by readers, are generally not cited in a reference list. Instead, incorporate the details about the performance into the text».
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