Sederi 32
Sederi 32 — 2022
Marta Cerezo Moreno
Isabel Guerrero Llorente
Miguel Ramalhete
ISSN 1135-7789
Antonio Espigares Pinilla and Renae Satterley, “The three manuscript copies of Robert Ashley’s Of Honour and Sebastián Fox Morcillo’s De honore. Study of a translation plagiarism.” SEDERI 32 (2022): 31‒65
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Robert Ashley’s Of Honour, edited in 1947 by Virgil B. Heltzel, has become a reference work in studies on honor in English literature, but we have known since 2016 that it is a translation plagiarism of Sebastián Fox Morcillo’s De honore (1556). In this paper the authors analyze and compare the three existing manuscripts of Of Honour (two of them recently identified), discuss Ashley’s possible intentions in producing it, and make a complete comparative study of De honore with Robert Ashley’s translation.
Keywords: honor; Robert Ashley; Sebastián Fox Morcillo; Shakespeare studies; translations.
Primary sources
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