Sederi Yearbook 28

Violetta Trofimova, “First Encounters of Europeans and Africans with Native Americans in Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko: white woman, black prince and noble savages.” SEDERI 28 (2018): 119–28.   DOI:                                                       […]

Sederi Yearbook 28

Schintu, Paula. ““The gully-hole of literature”: On the enregisterment of cant language in seventeenth-century England.” SEDERI 28 (2018): 99–117.   DOI:                                                                 Download PDF   […]

Sederi Yearbook 28

Zümre Gizem Yılmaz,“’The sweet fruition of an earthly crown’: Elemental mastery and ecophobia in Tamburlaine the Great and Doctor Faustus.” SEDERI 28 (2018): 79–96.   DOI:                                                           […]

Sederi Yearbook 28

Margarete Rubik, “The house, the city, and the colony in the works of Aphra Behn: Gendered spaces and the freedoms and dangers they afford.” SEDERI 28 (2018): 55–78.   DOI:                                                   […]

Sederi Yearbook 28

Tomás Monterrey, “El príncipe tirano by Juan de la Cueva as the Spanish source of Thomas Lodge’s A Margarite of America: A comparative suggestion.” SEDERI 28 (2018): 33–53.   DOI:                                                   […]

Sederi Yearbook 28

William C. Carroll, “’I knew him in Padua’: London theatre and early modern constructions of erudition.” SEDERI 28 (2018): 7–32.   DOI:                                                          Download PDF   Abstract This […]