Sederi Yearbook 23

Sederi 23
Sederi 23 — 2013
Berta Cano Echevarría & Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
Francisco J. Borge López
ISSN 1135-7789


Rocío G. Sumillera, “Sixteenth-Century Italian, French, Spanish and English Language Learning Material. A Bibliographical Study.” SEDERI 23 (2013): 139-158.


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This bibliographical study offers a list of the first printed language manuals in Western Europe expressly designed to teach a particular foreign language to speakers of a particular tongue. Hence, the study lists references to sixteenth-century grammars, dictionaries and language handbooks with the possible linguistic combinations of Italian, French, Spanish and English, the first three being the most popular modern languages in sixteenth-century Western Europe and hence the most representative ones offering an insight into the foreign language learning map of the time. The bibliographical study is preceded by an introduction to the manner in which foreign tongues were taught and learned in the early modern period, and is completed by a selection of references to secondary sources that have been researched on each linguistic combination.

Keywords: Early modern language manuals; sixteenth-century grammars; sixteenth-century dictionaries.




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