Sederi 24
Sederi 24 — 2014
Berta Cano Echevarría & Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
Francisco J. Borge López
ISSN 1135-7789
María J. Sánchez-de-Nieva, “A bibliographical description of the British Library copy of The Honour of Chivalrie (1598).” SEDERI 24 (2014): 171-179.
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This paper presents a detailed bibliographical description of the copy held at the British Library of the first edition of The Honour of Chivalrie (London, 1598; STC 1804). The aim of this paper is to provide useful bibliographical information for researchers interested in the first English translation of the Spanish romance Don Belianís de Grecia (Burgos, 1547; IB 8699). A concise description of the translations and editions of this romance is included.
Keywords: Renaissance chivalric literature; Iberian romances of chivalry; The Honour of Chivalrie; Thomas Creede; Bernard Alsop; Francis Kirkman; Don Belianís de Grecia.
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