Sederi 30
Sederi 30 — 2020
Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
María José Mora
ISSN 1135-7789
Isabel de la Cruz-Cabanillas, “The Secrets of Alexis in Glasgow University Library MS Ferguson 7.” SEDERI 30 (2020): 29–46.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34136/sederi.2020.2 Download PDF
This article deals with a handwritten, hitherto unexplored copy of a printed text, The Secrets of Reverend Alexis of Piedmont, held in Glasgow University Library, MS Ferguson 7, which dates to 1565. The manuscript includes a collection of secrets by an anonymous compiler from the English translation of De’ Secreti del reverendo donno Alessio de Piemontese, a highly popular book of secrets published in Venice in 1555 and immediately rendered into other languages, including English. The handwritten compilation proves to be a dynamic artifact which is personalized to suit the compiler’s needs and ultimately becomes an independent new product.
Keywords: early modern manuscript studies; Books of Secrets; MS Ferguson 7; Secrets of Alexis of Piedmont; Girolamo Ruscelli; William Warde.
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