Sederi 30
Sederi 30 — 2020
Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
María José Mora
ISSN 1135-7789
Luis Javier Conejero-Magro, “The School of Salamanca in the sixteenth century and the way kingship is canvassed in Shakespeare’s Richard II.” SEDERI 30 (2020): 7–28.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34136/sederi.2020.1 Download PDF
Although there appears to be no direct evidence that Shakespeare had access to the relectiones taught in the School of Salamanca during the sixteenth century, this study demonstrates that, forty years after their dissemination, the theories of Francisco Vitoria and his disciples were probably in circulation throughout England. The methodology in this article juxtaposes Shakespeare’s Richard II with one of Vitoria’s relectiones. This relectio modified the medieval idea of the divine origin of kingship, and generated a discussion about the origin of royal power which is central to the plot of Shakespeare’s play.
Keywords: Shakespeare; School of Salamanca; Richard II; kingship; Anglo-Spanish textual relations.
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