Sederi 30
Sederi 31 — 2021
Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
Marta Cerezo Moreno
Isabel Guerrero Llorente
Miguel Ramalhete
ISSN 1135-7789
Rayner, Francesca. “The story of what might have been: Interrogating Romeo and Juliet under the Portuguese dictatorship.” SEDERI 31 (2021): 73–92.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34136/sederi.2021.4 Download PDF
In 1969, Teatro Estúdio de Lisboa performed Anatomy of a Love Story, an interrogation of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet for a generation politicized by their struggles against the dictatorship. This article delineates a narrative of what might have been if this incipient attempt to stage a more inclusive political theatre had prevailed, illustrating how attributions of success and failure to performances during this period need to be contextualized within the limitations imposed by censorship on the one hand, and, on the other, an evocation of a class-based popular theatre that excluded questions of gender and sexuality.
Keywords: Romeo and Juliet; Teatro Estúdio de Lisboa; gender; class; popular theatre; Portuguese dictatorship.
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