Sederi 34
Sederi 34 — 2024
Marta Cerezo Moreno
Isabel Guerrero Llorente
Miguel Ramalhete
David J. Amelang
Tamara Pérez-Fernández
ISSN 1135-7789
Rebeca Martín-Mozo, “Spanish Jesuits and their British and Irish books: St. Ignatius College, Valladolid.” SEDERI 34 (2024): 53–78.
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This article studies a group of books by early modern British and Irish authors in the library of the Jesuit school of St. Ignatius (Colegio de San Ignacio) in Valladolid, Spain. Despite the initial suspicions of heterodoxy these books raised, most titles studied — even those banned by Catholic authorities — fit within the model suggested by the Ratio studiorum and would have been considered beneficial for the humanities-based educational program of a Jesuit college or the Society of Jesus’s missionary work. The content of some of these books also hints at a possible interest in the British Isles at St. Ignatius.
Keywords: Early modern books, Jesuit libraries, early modern libraries, Anglo-Spanish relations, Society of Jesus.
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