Sederi 23

Sederi 23
Sederi 23 — 2013
Berta Cano Echevarría & Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
Francisco J. Borge López
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Holland, Peter. «A Kind of Character in thy Life»: Shakespeare and the Character of History 7-31
López-Peláez Casellas, Jesús. Strangers at home: The Textual Construction of the Sherley Brothers 33-56
Muñoz Valdivieso, Sonia. From Messina to Delhi: Much Ado about Staging Global Shakespeares in Olympic Times 57-78
Oliveira, Susana. «But Why No Women Write, I Pray?»: Sarah Jinner’s Defence of Women’s Public Voice in Her Almanacs 79-94
Parker, Patricia. Cymbeline: Arithmetic, Double-Entry Bookkeeping, Counts, and Accounts 95-119

NOTES Pag.        
Sánchez-Martí, Jordi. The University of Alicante Library copy of Palmerin d’Oliva (London, 1637): A Bibliographical Description 123-137
Sumillera, Rocio G. Sixteenth-Century Italian, French, Spanish and English Language Learning Material. A Bibliographical Study 139-158

REVIEWS Pag.        
Michael Dobson. 2011. Shakespeare and Amateur Performance: A Cultural History (by José A. Pérez Díez) 161-165
Ángel-Luis Pujante and Keith Gregor, eds. 2010. Hamlet en España: Las cuatro versiones neoclásicas / Keith Gregor and Ángel-Luis Pujante, eds. 2011. Macbeth en España: Las versiones neoclásicas (by Juan Antonio Prieto Pablos) 167-172
Margarete Rubik, ed. 2011. Aphra Behn and Her Female Successors (by Sonia Villegas López) 173-178