Sederi 26

Sederi 26
Sederi 26 — 2016
Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
Francisco J. Borge López
María José Mora
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Drakakis, John. Money makes the world go round: Shakespeare, commerce and community 7-30
McJannet, Linda. Timür’s theatrical journey: Or, when did Tamburlaine become black? 31-66
Ortiz-Salamovich, Alejandra. Anthony Munday’s Palmerin d’Oliva: Representing sexual threat in the Near East 67-84
Pascual Garrido, Mª Luisa. Re-Humanising Coriolanus: Community and the ethical self 85-108
García-Periago, Rosa M. More than an Indian teen shrew: Postcolonial and transnational feminism in Isi Life Mein 105-128
Tronch, Jesús. Database-oriented annotation of early modern plays: A proposal 129-156

NOTES Pag.        
Oliveira, Susana. «The intolerable business»: Religion and diplomacy under Elizabeth’s rule 159-164
Schintu Martínez, Paula. «The mobile shall worship thee»: Cant language in Thomas Shadwell’s The Squire of Alsatia (1688) 175-193

REVIEWS Pag.        
Manuel J. Gómez-Lara, María José Mora, Paula de Pando, Rafael Portillo, Juan A. Prieto-PAblos and Rafael Vélez Núñez, eds. Restoration Comedy 1660-1670. A Catalogue (by Ángeles Tomé Rosales) 197-199
Justin Kurzel dir. Macbeth (by Victor Huertas) 201-207
James Mabbe. The Spanish Bawd. Edited by José María Pérez Fernández (by Jordi Sánchez-Martí) 209-216
Bartolomé Sanz Albiñana. La expresión de la sexualidad en las traducciones españolas de «Hamlet» (by María José Álvarez Faedo) 219-222
Oana-Alis Zaharia. Cultural Reworkings and Translations in/of Shakespeare’s Plays (by Mādālina Nicolaescu) 223-225

Las Alegres Casadas, Almagro, 2015 (by Isabel Guerrero) 227-231
Recreating Shakespeare: You are my destiny (Lostupro di Lucrezia), Zagreb, 2014 (by Remedios Perni) 232-238