Sederi 27

Sederi 27
Sederi 27 — 2017
Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
Francisco J. Borge López
María José Mora
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Amelang, David. From directions to descriptions: Reading the theatrical Nebentext in Ben Jonson’s Workes as an authorial outlet 7-26
Guerrero, Isabel. Shakespeare in La Mancha: Performing Shakespeare at the Almagro Corral 27-46
Hornero Corisco, Ana María. Translation of temporal dialects in the dubbed versions of Shakespeare films 47-79
Huertas Martínez, Víctor. Rupert Goold’s Macbeth (2010): Surveillance society and society of control 81-103
Muñoz-Valdivieso, Sofía. Shakespeare our contemporary in 2016: Margaret Atwood’s rewriting of The Tempest in Hag-Seed 105-129
Nicolaescu, Madalina. Introducing Shakespeare to the fringes of Europe: The first Romanian performance of The Merchant of Venice 129-148
Schutte, Valerie. Perceptions of sister queens: A comparison of printed book dedications to Mary and Elizabeth Tudor 149-166
Torralbo Caballero, Juan de Dios. “For know, alas, I’m dumb, alas I love”: Rhetoric of disability, female agency and tragedy in “The Dumb Virgin” 167-192

NOTES Pag.        
Bravo Lozano, Cristina. Book culture in the Irish Mission: The case of father Juan de Santo Domingo (1636–1644) 195-211
Martínez-García, Laura. Nelly or Ellen? Revamping the first English actresses in contemporary popular culture 213-228

REVIEWS Pag.        
Dominic Cooke, dir. The Hollow Crown: The Wars of the Roses (by Víctor Huertas Martín) 231-237
Sonia Hernández-Santano, ed. William Webbe, A Discourse of English Poetry (by Rocío G. Sumillera) 239-241
Robert D. Hume and Judith Milhous. The Publication of Plays in London 1660-1800: Playwrights, Publishers and the Market (by Jorge Jiménez Rodríguez) 243-247
John Knox. El primer toque de la trompeta contra el monstruoso gobierno de las mujeres. Edited by José Luis Martínez-Dueñas and Rocío G. Sumillera (by Carme Font Paz) 249-253
Zenón Luis-Martínez, ed. Abraham Fraunce. The Shepherds’ Logic and Other Dialectical Writings (by Jonathan P.A. Sell) 255-261
Richard McCabe. “Ungainefull Arte”: Poetry, Patronage, and Print in the Early Modern Era (by Nora Rodríguez-Loro) 263-268
Thomas O’Connor. Irish Voices from the Spanish Inquisition: Migrants, Converts and Brokers in Early Modern Iberia (by Óscar Recio Morales) 269-272

The Globe to Globe Hamlet Tour: A Celebratory Performance in Elsinore (by Remedios Perni) 273-277