Sederi 30

Sederi 30
Sederi 30 — 2020
Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
María José Mora
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Luis Javier Conejero-Magro. The School of Salamanca in the sixteenth century and the way kingship is canvassed in Shakespeare’s Richard II 7-28
Isabel de la Cruz Cabanillas. The Secrets of Alexis in Glasgow University Library MS Ferguson 7 29-46
Joan Curbet Soler. Writing and weaving: The textual and the textile in Spenser´s 1590 Faerie Queene, III.i 47-68
Irene Montori. Representing creation, experiencing the sublime: The Longinian tradition in Tasso and Milton 69-89
Katherine Romack. The romance of Nahum Tate’s King Lear 91-115
Sonia Villegas López. Truth and wonder in Richard Head’s geographical fictions 117-37

REVIEWS Pag.        
Magdalena Cieślak, Screening Gender in Shakespeare’s Comedies: Film and Television Adaptations in Shakespeare’s Comedies (by Coen Heijes) 141-44
Neil Corcoran, Reading Shakespeare’s Soliloquies: Text, Theatre, Film, and Efertpi Mitsi, ed., Troilus and Cressida. A Critical Reader (by Jonathan P. A. Sell) 145-50
Mark Hutchings, ed., The Changeling. A Critical Reader (by Cinta Zunino-Garrido) 151-55
María José Mora, ed., Restoration Comedy, 1671–1682 (by Sonia Villegas López) 157-62
Charles Ney, Directing Shakespeare in America. Historical Perspectives (by Víctor Huertas Martín) 163-67
Patricia Parker, Shakespearean Intersections: Language, Contexts, Critical Keyword (by Zenón Luis-Martínez) 169-76
Ángel-Luis Pujante, Shakespeare llega a España: Ilustración y Romanticismo (by Jesús Tronch) 177-81

West Side Story (2018–2020) (by Víctor Huertas Martín) 183-88