Sederi 28

Sederi 28
Sederi 28 — 2018
Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
Francisco J. Borge López
María José Mora
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Carroll, William C. I knew him in Padua: London theatre and early modern constructions of erudition 7-32
Monterrey, Tomás. El príncipe tirano by Juan de la Cueva as the Spanish source of Thomas Lodge’s A Margarite of America: A comparative suggestion 33-53
Rubik, Margarete. The house, the city, and the colony in the works of Aphra Behn: Gendered spaces and the freedoms and dangers they afford 55-78
Yılmaz, Zümre Gizem., “The sweet fruition of an earthly crown”: Elemental mastery and ecophobia in Tamburlaine the Great and Doctor Faustus 79-96

NOTES Pag.        
Schintu, Paula. “The gully-hole of literature”: On the enregisterment of cant language in seventeenth-century England 99-117
Trofimova, Violetta. First encounters of Europeans and Africans with Native Americans in Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko: White woman, black prince and noble savages 119-128

REVIEWS Pag.        
William Shakespeare. The Comedy of Errors, ed. Kent Cartwright; and William Shakespeare. Cymbeline, ed. Valerie Wayne (The Arden Shakespeare) (by Jesús Tronch Pérez) 131-140
Alison Findlay and Vassiliki Markidou, eds. 2017. Shakespeare and Greece. London: Bloomsbury Arden Shakespeare (by Zenón Luis-Martínez) 141-146
Kirk Melnikoff, ed. 2017. Edward II: A Critical Reader. London and New York: Bloomsbury (by Veronika Schandl) 147-150
Marianne Novy. 2017. Shakespeare and Feminist Theory. Bloomsbury: London (by Francesca Rayner) 151-153
Stephen O’Neill, ed. 2018. Broadcast Your Shakespeare (Continuity and Change across Media). London and New York: Bloomsbury (by Víctor Huertas Martín) 155-159
Anthony Guy Patricia.2017. Queering the Shakespeare Film: Gender Trouble, Gay Spectatorship and Male Homoeroticism. London and New York: Bloomsbury & Goran Stanivukovic, ed. 2017. Queer Shakespeare: Desire and Sexuality. London and New York: Bloomsbury (by Juan Carlos Hidalgo Ciudad) 161-166