Sederi 20

Sederi 20
Sederi 20 — 2010
Berta Cano-Echevarría & Ana Sáez Hidalgo
Francisco José Borge López
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Michael Dobson. The Pageant of History: Nostalgia, the Tudors, and the Community Play 5-25
Carmen Font Paz.“I have written the things which I did hear, see, tasted and handled:” Selfhood and Voice in Katherine Evans’ and Sarah Cheevers’ A Short Relation of TheirSufferings (1662) 27-56
Andrew Gurr.  Baubles on the Water: Sea Travel in Shakespeare’s Time 57-70
Zenón Luis Martínez. Macbeth and the Passions’ “Proper Stuff” 71-101
Ángel-Luis Pujante. The French Influence on Early Shakespeare Reception in Spain: Three Cases of Unacknowledged Sources 103-119
Purificación Ribes Traver. Ludwig Tieck’s Herr Von Fuchs (1793) As the Perfect Embodiment of Romantic Irony 121-142

NOTE Pag.        
R. Scott Fraser. “The king has killed his heart:” The Death of Falstaff in Henry V 145-157

REVIEWS Pag.        
Elliott, J.H. 2009. Spain, Europe and the Wider World, 1500-1800(by Juan E. Tazón) 161-163
Jesús López-Peláez Casellas. 2009. “Honourable Murderers” El concepto del honor en Othello de Shakespeare y en los dramas de honor de Calderón (by Luciano García García) 165-172
Glyn Redworth. 2008. The She-Apostle. The Extraordinary Life and Death of Luisa de Carvajal (by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto) 173-176
Joseph P. Ward ed. 2008. Violence, Politics, and Gender in Early Modern England (by Carme Font Paz) 177-182