Sederi 34

Sederi 34
Sederi 34 — 2024
Marta Cerezo Moreno
Isabel Guerrero Llorente
Miguel Ramalhete
David J. Amelang
Tamara Pérez-Fernández
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Gerd Bayer. Getting your letters wrong: Early modern epistolary writing11-30
Line Cottegnies. Aphra Behn’s use of translatio: Mediation, adaptation, and emulation in a cross-channel perspective31-52
Rebeca Martín-Mozo. Spanish Jesuits and their British and Irish books: St. Ignatius College, Valladolid 53-78
Jennifer Ruiz-Morgan. An unconventional adaptation: Ángel María Dacarrete’s Julieta y Romeo (1858)81-104

REVIEWS Pag.        
David Amelang, Playgrounds: Urban Theatrical Culture in Shakespeare’s England and Golden Age Spain (by Jonathan P. A. Sell) 101-104
Francisco J. Borge, ed., Francis Beaumont and John Fletcher. El necio (The Coxcomb) (by Joan Curbet Soler) 105-107
John Guillory, Professing Criticism: Essays on the Organization of Literary Study (by Zenón Luis-Martínez) 109-113
Zenón Luis-Martínez, ed., Poetic Theory and Practice in Early Modern Verse: Unwritten Arts (by Ana Sáez-Hidalgo) 115-119
María Jesús Pérez-Jáuregui, ed., Henry Constable. The Complete Poems (by Jonathan P. A. Sell) 121-125

Sederi 33

Sederi 33
Sederi 33 — 2023
Marta Cerezo Moreno
Isabel Guerrero Llorente
Miguel Ramalhete
David J. Amelang
Tamara Pérez-Fernández
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Susana P. Magalhães Oliveira. Emotions and early modern diplomacy: The case of Iberian ambassadors at the Elizabethan court9-31
Alejandro Sell Maestro. William Godolphin and Francisco de la Torre’s Agudezas de Juan Oven (1674): Patronage, diplomacy, and confessionalism33-56
Marguerite Tassi. Pursuing contentment and liberation in the Forest of Arden: Hindu and Buddhist resonances in As You Like It57-80
Inmaculada Ureña Asensio. Recommended reading for good governors: Utopia de Thomas Moro (1637)81-104

REVIEWS Pag.        
Leticia Álvarez-Recio, ed. Iberian Chivalric Romance: Translations and Cultural Transmission in Early Modern England (by Ana Sáez-Hidalgo) 107-111
Casandra Gorman, The Atom in Seventeenth-Century Poetry (by María Vera-Reyes) 112-116
Francesca Clare Rayner, Shakespeare and the Challenge of the Contemporary: Performance, Politics and Aesthetics (by Veronika Schandl) 117-120
Ana Sáez-Hidalgo and Berta Cano-Echevarría, eds. Exile, Diplomacy and Texts: Exchanges between Iberia and the British Isles, 1500–1767 (by Carme Font-Paz) 121-125

Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar at the International Classical Theater Festival of Mérida, directed by José María Muscari (by Víctor Huertas-Martín) 126-130

Sederi 32

Sederi 32
Sederi 32 — 2022
Marta Cerezo Moreno
Isabel Guerrero Llorente
Miguel Ramalhete
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
María José Coperías-Aguilar. Between fictionality and reality: The “novels” in the Gentleman’s Journal 7-30
Antonio Espigares Pinilla and Renae Satterley. The three manuscript copies of Robert Ashley’s Of Honour and Sebastián Fox Morcillo’s De honore. Study of a translation plagiarism 31-65
Víctor Fernández Fernández. Guzmán de Silva and Elizabeth I: A diplomacy of emotion 67-86
Cristina Paravano. “Remembrance of things past”: Classical and Renaissance echoes in Philip Massinger’s The Roman Actor 87-110

REVIEWS Pag.        
Jorge Blanco-Vacas, ed. Mr. Turbulent. A Critical Edition (by Jorge Figueroa Dorrego) 113-117
Evelyn Gajowski, ed. The Arden Research Handbook of Contemporary Shakespeare Criticism (by Víctor Huertas Martín) 118-122
Gábor Gelléri and Rachel Willie, eds. Travel and Conflict in the Early Modern World (by Liam Benison) 123-127
Andrew James Hartley and Peter Holland, eds. Shakespeare and Geek Culture (by Larisa Kocic-Zámbó) 128-132
Victoria M. Muñoz, Spanish Romance in the Battle for Global Supremacy: Tudor and Stuart Black Legends (by Leticia Álvarez Recio) 133-137
Richard Proudfoot, Ann Thompson, David Scott Kastan and H. R. Woudhuysen, eds. The Arden Shakespeare Third Series Complete Works (by Jesús Tronch) 138-143
David Ruiter, ed. The Arden Research Handbook of Shakespeare and Social Justice (by Remedios Perni) 144-148
Kiernan Ryan, Shakespearean Tragedy (by Jonathan P. A. Sell) 149-153
Alexander Samson, Mary and Philip: The Marriage of Tudor England and Habsburg Spain (by Berta Cano Echevarría) 154-158
Jordi Sánchez-Martí, ed. Los libros de caballerías en Inglaterra, 1578-1700 (by Stefano Neri) 159-163
Jonathan P. A. Sell, Shakespeare’s Sublime Ethos: Matter, Stage, Form & Jonathan P. A. Sell, Shakespeare’s Sublime Pathos: Person, Audience, Language (by Zenón Luis-Martínez) 164-168

Sederi 31

Sederi 31
Sederi 31 — 2021
Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
Marta Cerezo Moreno
Isabel Guerrero Llorente
Miguel Ramalhete
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Luciano García García. From Lives to Discurso in the biographies of Thomas More:  Roper, Harpsfield and Herrera 7-30
Antony Henk. Mending “the injurie of oblivion”: “Englishing” Chaucer and Barbour in early printed editions 31-54
Lisa Hopkins. “By Jupiter, forgot”: Volscians and Scots in Shakespeare and Arbella Stuart 55-72
Francesca Rayner. The story of what might have been: Interrogating Romeo and Juliet under the Portuguese dictatorship 73-92
José Ruiz Mas. English travelers in early modern Cyprus: Piety, commerce and anti-Ottoman sentiment 93-115
Alison Shell. Priestly playwright, secular priest: William Drury’s Latin and English drama 117-45

NOTES Pag.        
Valerie Schutte. A ballad of treason for Queen Mary I’s accession 145-58

REVIEWS Pag.        
Kate Aughterson and Ailsa Grant Ferguson, Shakespeare and Gender: Sex and Sexuality in Shakespeare’s Drama (by Jennifer Ruiz Morgan) 161-65
Sophie Chiari & Sophie Lemercier-Goddard, eds. John Webster’s “Dismal Tragedy”: The Duchess of Malfi Reconsidered (by Mª Jesús Pérez Jáuregui) 166-70
Jennifer Drouin, ed. Shakespeare / Sex: Contemporary Readings in Gender and Sexuality (by Francesca Rayner) 171-73
White Kennet, Etymological Collections of English Words, edited by Javier Ruano-García (by Christopher Langmuir) 174-77
Irene Montori, Milton, the Sublime and Dramas of Choice: Figures of Heroic and Literary Virtue (by Jonathan Sell) 178-82
Ángel-Luis Pujante and Keith Gregor, eds. Otelo en España. La versión neoclásica y las obras relacionadas (by Jesús López-Peláez Casellas) 183-87
Rocío G. Sumillera. Invention: The Language of English Renaissance Poetics (by Jonathan Sell) 188-91
Rémi Vuillemin, Laetitia Sansonetti and Enrica Zanin, eds. The early modern English sonnet. Ever in motion (by María Vera Reyes) 192-96

Sederi 30

Sederi 30
Sederi 30 — 2020
Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
María José Mora
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Luis Javier Conejero-Magro. The School of Salamanca in the sixteenth century and the way kingship is canvassed in Shakespeare’s Richard II 7-28
Isabel de la Cruz Cabanillas. The Secrets of Alexis in Glasgow University Library MS Ferguson 7 29-46
Joan Curbet Soler. Writing and weaving: The textual and the textile in Spenser´s 1590 Faerie Queene, III.i 47-68
Irene Montori. Representing creation, experiencing the sublime: The Longinian tradition in Tasso and Milton 69-89
Katherine Romack. The romance of Nahum Tate’s King Lear 91-115
Sonia Villegas López. Truth and wonder in Richard Head’s geographical fictions 117-37

REVIEWS Pag.        
Magdalena Cieślak, Screening Gender in Shakespeare’s Comedies: Film and Television Adaptations in Shakespeare’s Comedies (by Coen Heijes) 141-44
Neil Corcoran, Reading Shakespeare’s Soliloquies: Text, Theatre, Film, and Efertpi Mitsi, ed., Troilus and Cressida. A Critical Reader (by Jonathan P. A. Sell) 145-50
Mark Hutchings, ed., The Changeling. A Critical Reader (by Cinta Zunino-Garrido) 151-55
María José Mora, ed., Restoration Comedy, 1671–1682 (by Sonia Villegas López) 157-62
Charles Ney, Directing Shakespeare in America. Historical Perspectives (by Víctor Huertas Martín) 163-67
Patricia Parker, Shakespearean Intersections: Language, Contexts, Critical Keyword (by Zenón Luis-Martínez) 169-76
Ángel-Luis Pujante, Shakespeare llega a España: Ilustración y Romanticismo (by Jesús Tronch) 177-81

West Side Story (2018–2020) (by Víctor Huertas Martín) 183-88

Sederi 24

Sederi 24
Sederi 24 — 2014
Berta Cano Echevarría & Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
Francisco J. Borge López
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Clark, Sandra. Women, class, and the language of madness in early modern English drama 7-26
Halpern, Richard. Bassanio’s bailout: A brief history of risk, Shakespeare to Wall Street 27-45
MacCrossan, Colm. Framing «Nova Albion»: Marking possession in Richard Hakluyt’s The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation 47-68
Maley, Willy. Peninsula Lost: Mapping Milton’s Celtiberian cartographies 69-93
Sell, Jonathan P. A. «Warts and all»: John Lyly’s atheist aesthetics 95-118
Matei-Chesnoiu, Monica. The authority of geography in Pericles, Prince of Tyre: Jacob Falckenburgk and Dionysius Periegetes 119-139

NOTES Pag.        
Hutchings, Mark. «Those rebellious Hollanders«: The Changeling‘s double Dutch 143-156
Ramalhete Gomes, Miguel. Intended for the stage: Performance criticism in Richard Brome’s The Antipodes 157-169
Sánchez-de-Nieva, María J. A bibliographical description of the British Library copy of The Honour of Chivalrie (1598) 171-179

REVIEWS Pag.        
Belén Álvarez-Faedo. 2013. Edward II, Dr. Faustus y The Jew of Malta. Análisis de sus traducciones al español (by Jesús López-Peláez Casellas) 183-190
David Nichol. 2012. Middleton and Rowley: Forms of Collaboration in the Jacobean Playhouse (by Tony Bromham) 191-195
William Shakespeare. 2013. Sonetos y Querellas de una amante. English edition, introduction, translation and notes by Luciano García García (by José Ruiz Mas) 197-204
Romana Zacchi and Massimiliano Morini, eds. 2012. Richard Rowlands Verstegan: A Versatile Man in an Age of Turmoil (by Victor Houliston) 205-208

Shakespeare à La Brasileira Coulours Portugal: A Review of Sua Incelença, Ricardo III. Produced by Clowns be Shakespeare (by Livia Segurado) 209-215
Shakespeare, Macbeth. Suspense, London Puppetry Festival. Dir. Peter Glanville (London, 18 October 2013) (by Isabel Guerrero) 216-219
Shakespeare, Tempestad. Dir. Sergio Peris-Mencheta (Murcia, 25 October 2013) (by Isabel Guerrero Llorente) 220-224

Sederi 22

Sederi 22
Sederi 22 — 2012
Berta Cano Echevarría & Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
Francisco J. Borge López
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Álvarez Recio, Leticia. Pro-Match literature and royal supremacy: The case of Michael Du Val’s The Spanish English Rose (1622) 7-28
Curbet Soler, Joan. Towards a Miltonic Mariology: the word and the body of Mary in Paradise Regain’d (1671) 29-50
García-Periago, Rosa María. The re-birth of Shakespeare in India: Celebrating and Indianizing the Bard in 1964 51-68
Prieto Pablos, Juan Antonio. Women in breeches and modes of masculinity in Restoration comedy 69-92
Sumillera, Rocio G. Poetic invention and translation in sixteenth-century England 93-114
Zaharia, Oana-Alis. Translata Proficit: Revisiting John Florio’s translation of Michel de Montaigne’s Les Essais 115-138

NOTES Pag.        
Franssen, Paul J.C.M. Sites of transgression: The suburbs and the city in Thomas Dekker’s Shoemaker’s Holiday 133-146
Gregor, Keith. Disaster and after: Hamlet as metaphor in Fin-de-Siècle Spain 147-161

REVIEWS Pag.        
Pilar Cuder-Domínguez. 2011. Stuart Women Playwrights, 1613-1713 (by Jane Milling) 173-174
Jesús López-Peláez, ed. 2011. Strangers in Early Modern English Texts (by Primavera Cuder) 175-180
Abstracts and keywords in Spanish and Portuguese 181

Sederi 21

Sederi 21
Sederi 21 — 2011
Berta Cano Echevarría & Ana Sáez-Hidalgo
Francisco J. Borge López
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Crummé, Hannah Leah. The Impact of Lord Burghley and the Earl of Leicester’s Spanish-Speaking Secretariats 7-27
Oncins Martínez, José Luis. Shakespeare and Chess Again: A Proposal for an Alternative Reading of pawn(s) in King Lear, King John and The Winter’s Tale 29-47
Orkin, Martin. Film and the Uncanny, Shakespeare Making Possible Things Not so Held, Communicating with Dreams 49-70
Paravano, Cristina. The Space of Identity and the Identity of Space in The City Wit by Richard Brome 71-90
Sell, Jonathan P. A. Learning to Scrawl: The Evolutionary Strain in Titus Andronicus 91-116
Bandín Fuertes, Elena. Performing Shakespeare in a Conflicting Cultural Context: Othello in Francoist Spain 119-132
Cinpoes, Nicoleta. Defrauding Daughters Turning Deviant Wives? Reading Female Agency in The Merchant of Venice 133-146
Hickman, Alan F. In a Minor Key: Visual Effects in Shake-Speare’s Sonnets 147-161

REVIEWS Pag.        
Jorge Figueroa-Dorrego and Cristina Larkin-Galiñanes eds. 2009. A Source Book of Literary and Philosophical Writings about Humour and Laughter: The Seventy-Five Essential Texts from Antiquity to Modern Times Lewiston (by Andrew Stott) 165-167
Keith Gregor, 2010. Shakespeare in the Spanish Theatre: 1772 to the Present (by Francesca Rayner) 169-174
Dennis Kennedy and Yong Li Lan eds. 2010. Shakespeare in Asia: Contemporary Performance (by Rosa García-Periago) 175-181
Gary Taylor et al. 2007. Thomas Middleton: The Collected Works and Thomas Middleton and Early Modern Textual Culture (by Mark Hutchings) 183-190

Sederi 20

Sederi 20
Sederi 20 — 2010
Berta Cano-Echevarría & Ana Sáez Hidalgo
Francisco José Borge López
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Michael Dobson. The Pageant of History: Nostalgia, the Tudors, and the Community Play 5-25
Carmen Font Paz.“I have written the things which I did hear, see, tasted and handled:” Selfhood and Voice in Katherine Evans’ and Sarah Cheevers’ A Short Relation of TheirSufferings (1662) 27-56
Andrew Gurr.  Baubles on the Water: Sea Travel in Shakespeare’s Time 57-70
Zenón Luis Martínez. Macbeth and the Passions’ “Proper Stuff” 71-101
Ángel-Luis Pujante. The French Influence on Early Shakespeare Reception in Spain: Three Cases of Unacknowledged Sources 103-119
Purificación Ribes Traver. Ludwig Tieck’s Herr Von Fuchs (1793) As the Perfect Embodiment of Romantic Irony 121-142

NOTE Pag.        
R. Scott Fraser. “The king has killed his heart:” The Death of Falstaff in Henry V 145-157

REVIEWS Pag.        
Elliott, J.H. 2009. Spain, Europe and the Wider World, 1500-1800(by Juan E. Tazón) 161-163
Jesús López-Peláez Casellas. 2009. “Honourable Murderers” El concepto del honor en Othello de Shakespeare y en los dramas de honor de Calderón (by Luciano García García) 165-172
Glyn Redworth. 2008. The She-Apostle. The Extraordinary Life and Death of Luisa de Carvajal (by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto) 173-176
Joseph P. Ward ed. 2008. Violence, Politics, and Gender in Early Modern England (by Carme Font Paz) 177-182

Sederi 19

Sederi 19
Sederi 19 — 2009
Berta Cano-Echevarría & Ana Sáez Hidalgo
Francisco José Borge López
ISSN 1135-7789

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ARTICLES Pag.        
Leticia Álvarez Recio. Pamphlet literature against the Anglo-Spanish Match: Thomas Scott’s Vox Populi (1620) 5-22
Mª Carmen Gomez Galisteo. Representing Native American women in early colonial American writings: Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca, Juan Ortiz and John Smith 23-44
John J. Joughin. Dividuated selves: on Renaissance criticism, critical finitude and the experience of ethical subjectivity 45-70
Lorena Laureano Domínguez. Pericles’ “unknown travels”: the dimensions of geography in Shakespeare’s Pericles 71-98
Sofía Muñoz Valdivieso. “Mine ear is much enamour’d of thy note:” Shakespeare’s intercultural dream in the Indian subcontinent 99-120
Purificación Ribes Traver. Early stage history of Jules Romains’ Volpone 121-150
Javier Ruano García. Looking for regional words in late seventeenth-century England: Bishop White Kennett and his ignored glossary to Parochial Antiquities (1695) 151-176

NOTES Pag.        
Jorge Figueroa Dorrego. Ariadne’s adaptation of Alexander Oldys’s The Fair Extravagant in She Ventures and He Wins 177-188
Mª Jesús Pérez Jáuregui. Henry Constable’s sonnets to Arbella Stuart 189-204

REVIEWS Pag.        
Tres tragedias de venganza: teatro renacentista inglés 2006. Ed., intr. & transl. José Ramón Díaz Fernández. Madrid: Gredos (by Juan Antonio Prieto Pablos) 205-210
Ángel-Luis Pujante and Laura Campillo eds. 2007. Shakespeare en España: Textos 1764-1916. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia; Granada: Universidad de Granada (by Jesús Tronch Pérez) 211-219