Sederi 10

Sederi 10
María Fuencisla García-Bermejo Giner
Gudelia Rodríguez Sánchez
Javier Sánchez Díez
ISSN 1135-7789

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Contents and Editors’ Foreword 7-8
BLAKE, N.F. «The Study of Shakespeare’s Language: Its Implications for Editors, Critics and Translators» 11-30
DE LA CRUZ CABANILLAS, ISABEL. «Lexical Ambiguity and Wordplay in Shakespeare» 31-36
GUZMÁN GONZÁLEZ, TRINIDAD. «Gender, Grammar and Poetry: Early 17th-Century Miscellanies in the Light of Historical Sociolinguistics» 37-46
O’ NEILL, MARÍA. «Strategies of Rebuttal in the Spelling Reform Debate: An Analysis of Richard Mulcaster’s Denunciation of the Phonemic Reformers» 47-52
SÁNCHEZ ROURA, MARÍA TERESA. «Epistolary Formulae in Late Middle English Commercial Correspondence: the Cely Letters» 53-60
VERDAGUER, ISABEL. «English Verbs of Intellectual Activity in the Renaissance: A Cognitive Approach» 61-66
HOENSELAARS, TON. «The Seventeenth-Century Reception of English Renaissance Drama in Europe» 69-88
CASANOVA, JORGE. «Robert Burton’s Portrait ‘Philosophically, Medicinally and Historically’ Supported» 89-96
CUDER DOMÍNGUEZ, PILAR. «Merry Wives and Widows in Aphra Behn’s Later Comedies» 97-104
FIGUEROA DORREGO, JORGE. «Men’s Inconstancy in the Prose Fiction of Mary Wroth and María de Zayas» 105-110
MONNICKENDAM, ANDREW. «The Meerie Lawes of 1646: The Parliament of Women as Lampoon and Subversion» 111-120
STONE, JOHN. «John Cowell’s Interpreter: Legal Tradition and Lexicographical Innovation» 121-130
GARCÍA GARCÍA, LUCÍANO. «Towards a Definition of European Tragicomedy and Romantic Comedy of the Seventeenth Century: The Courtly Fashion in England and Spain» 131-140
PARDO GARCÍA, PEDRO JAVIER. «Parody, Satire and Quixotism in Beaumont’s The Knight of the Burning Pestle» 141-152
MEIRA SERRAS, ADELAIDE. «The Will to Reform. Milton’s and Verney’s Educational Projects» 153-158
VÉLEZ NÚÑEZ, RAFAEL. «Music Symbolism in Stuart Pageantry» 159-164
WHITLOCK, KEITH. «Shakespeare’s The Tempest: Some Thought Experiments» 167-184
ÁLVAREZ FAEDO, MARÍA JOSÉ. «Two Film Versions of Othello: A Twentieth-century Approach to Shakespeare’s Play» 185-193
CARVALHO HOMEM, RUI. «Of Power and Race and Sex – with due respect: on some Portuguese translations of Othello» 194-204
CEREZO MORENO, MARTA. «The Controlling Force of Rome in Coriolanus and Julius Caesar» 205-210
HIDALGO, JUAN CARLOS. «The Split ‘I’ in Celestino Coronado’s Hamlet» 211-216
FIUEIRÒA NAVARRO MACHADO, MARIA SALOMÉ. «The Sins of the Fathers: Marlowe’s Barabas and Shakespeare’s Shylock» 217-224
OLIVARES MERINO, EUGENIO. «The Fismonger’s Daughter Goes Crazy (I): the Domineering Father, the Mad Lover, and the Dead Mother» 225-238
SÁNCHEZ ESCRIBANO, F. JAVIER. «English Renaissance Studies in Spain: A Bibliography up to 1995» 241-304