Sederi 7

Sederi 7
Edited by S. G. Fernández-Corugedo
Assistant Editors Emma Lezcano & Francisco Martín
Sederi — Universidade da Coruña
ISSN 1135-7789

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Fanego, Teresa. English in Transition 1500-1700: On Variation in Second Person Singular Pronoun Usage 5-16
Calvo López, Clara. The Tragicall Historie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke and the Pronouns of Address: Q1 (1603) versus Q2 (1604/5) 17-22
Martín Miguel, Francisco & González, Santiago . Addressing Formulae and Politeness in The Shepheards Calender 23-38
Gómez Soliño, José S. Continental English and the Standardization of the English Language in the Early Sixteenth Century: 1525-1540 39-46
Expósito, María Cruz. Internal Relations in Double-headed Noun Phrases 47-56
Lezcano, Emma. The choice of relativizers in Early Modern English: evidence from the Helsinki Corpus 57-66
Núñez Pertejo, Paloma. The House is Building: Active Progressive with Passive Meaning 67-72
Verdaguer, Isabel & Poch, Anna. The interaction of polysemy and complementation: A case study 73-79
Stone, John. Seventeenth-Century Jurisprudence and Eighteenth-Century Lexicography: Sources for Johnson’s Notion of Authority: 79-92
O’Neill, Maria. Forgotten Figure on the Bridge 93-98
Lopez, Ambrosio. The Reinassance Environement of the first Spanish Grammar Published in Sixteenth Century England 99-106
Crespo, Begoña. English and French as L1 and L2 in Renaissance England : A Consequence of Medieval Nationalism 107-114
Doval, Susana. The English spelling reform in the light of the works of Richard Mulcaster and John Hart 115-126

Shaw, Patricia. Mad Moll and Merry Meg: the Roaring Girls as Popular Heroine in Elizabethan and Jacobean Writings 129-140
De Paiva Correia, Maria Hélena. Lyric and lyric sequences 141-146
Ribes, Purificación. John Donne: Holy Sonnet XIV or the Plenitude of Metaphor 147-152
Lojo, Laura. John Donne. The New Turn of Classical Tradition 153-158
Sánchez Mosquera, Ana María. Blurred Contours: An Attempt to Deconstruct the Female Character in Books I and III of Edmund Spenser’s The Faerie Queene 159-164
Flotats, Rosa. Knowledge and Science in Paradise Lost 169-172
Tazón, Juan. Death in Northern Africa: the Battle of Alcazar & its Theatrical Representation 173-178
Carvalho, Rui. ‘A more Familiar Straine’: Puppetry and Burlesque, or, Translation as Debasement in Ben Jonson’s Bartholomew Fair 179-186

Cooper, Helen. Hamlet and the Invention of Tragedy 189-200
Tronch, Jesús. Dramaturgy of the Acting Version of the First Quarto of Hamlet 201-216
Gómez Lara, Manuel. Emblems of  Darkness: Othello 1604 & the Masque of Blackness 1605 217-226
Prieto Pablos, Juan Antonio. Shakespearean Strategies of (Dis)Orientation in Othello , act I 225-230
Manzanas, Ana María. Conversion narratives: Othello and other black characters in Shakespeare’s and Lope de Vega’s plays 231-236
Gregor, Keith. The Elusive Ensign: Towards a ‘Grammar’ of Iago’s Motives 237-242
Ballesteros, Antonio: ‘Deformed, unfinished, sent before my time’: Monstrosity in Richard III and Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein 243-248
Alvarez Faedo, María José. The Epic Tone in Shakespeare’s Henry V 249-252
Cora, Jesús: Shylock’s five-facetted character 253-260
Arias Doblas, María del Rosario. Gender Ambiguity and Desire in Twelfth Night 261-264
González Campos, Miguel Angel: An Isle full of Noises, Sounds and Sweet Airs: Shakespeare’s The Tempest and Krzysztof Kieslowski’s Red 265-268
Muñoz Valdivieso, Sofía. ‘He hourly humanizes’: Transformations and Appropiations of Shakespeare’s Caliban 269-272
Soubriet, Beatriz. Ovid & Shakespeare’s Venus and Adonis: A Study of sexual-role reversal 273-276
Bueno Alonso, Jorge Luis. The Fair and the Unfair: Renaissance Images and their change in Shakespeare’s Sonnets 277-286
Martínez, Miguel. Teaching Shakespeare’s Sonnets: Time as Fracture in Sonnets 18, 60, 73 287-296
Sánchez Escribano, F. Javier: Who’s who in Sederi (1996) 297-318

Sederi 6

Sederi 6
Edited by Ana María Manzanas Calvo & S. G. Fernández-Corugedo
Sederi — Universidad de Castilla – La Mancha
ISSN 1135-7789

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Ballesteros González, Antonio. “Lost in Paradisiacal Beauty: Milton ‘s Re-writing of the Narcisus Myth” 7-12
Calvo, Clara. “Shakespeare’s and the Press: the Ideological Appropriation of Romeo and Juliet 13-19
Cora Alonso, Jesús, “Two Examples of Poetic Parallelism between John Donne and Lope de Vega” 21-28
Chamosa González, Jose Luis. “Some Comments on Sir Philip Sidney’s Certain Sonnets : Heterogeneity and Unity” 29-36
Félix García, María del Mar, “ The Spanish Tragedy and Los Comendadores de Córdoba . Two Different Appoaches to the Senecan Revenge Theme” 37-42
Castillo, Francisco Javier: The English Renaissance and the Canary Islands: Thomas Nichols and Edmund Scory 43-51
González Fernández de Sevilla, José Manuel. “ A Midsummer Night’s Dream in Almagro” 53-58
González y Fernández-Corugedo, Santiago. “Editing Renaissance Classics in Spain in the 90’s” 59-74
Gray, Douglas. “Ends and Beginnings in the Earlier Sixteenth-Century Drama” 75-91
López-Peláez Casellas, Jesús. “Woman as Text in Othello and in Calderon’s Dramas de Honor” 93-98
Manzanas Calvo, Ana María. “Ideological Tensions in Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko 99-105
López Martínez, Miguel. “Overreaching Flesh and Soul : The Theme of Damnation in Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus and Tirso de Molina’s Don Juan 107-115
Martínez Lorente, Joaquín. “Possible-World Theories and the Two Fictional Worlds of More’s Utopia : How Much (and How) Can We Apply?” 117-123
Olivera Villacampa, Macario. “Hypocrites in Puritan Doctrine” 125-130
Prieto Pablos, Juan Antonio. “For the Love of Gaveston: Edward II and Audience Response in Elizabeth England” 131-146
Rodríguez Ledesma, María Nieves. “Distribution of Lexical Doublets in The Compaynt of Scotland” 147-151
Sáez González, Rosa. “Tragic Heroes: Avengers or Victims” 153-161
Sánchez Escribano, Javier. “Shakespeare’s Richard II : A Historical Reading” 163-173
Sánchez Roura, María Teresa. “Addressing the Audience of the Towneley Plays” 175-188
Shepherd, Robert K. “How Scottish Weather Affected the English Literary Climate” 189-195
Soubriet Velasco, Beatriz. “Chaos and Harmony in Middleton’s A Game at Chess 197-201
Tejera, Dionisia. “Spanish-English Relationship in the Work of Thomas Gage; al. Tomás de Santa María” 203-208
Thompson, Ann. “Feminist Criticism: The First/Last Twenty Years” 209-214
Whitlock, Keith. “The Spanish Gypsy Under the Spanish Eyes” 215-227
Wilcox, Helen: “‘The soul in Paraphrase’: The Devotional Poetry of George Herbert and his Contemporaries” 229-240

Sederi 4

Sederi 4
Edited by Teresa Guerra Bosch
Sederi — Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
ISBN 84-88412-02-9

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Preliminaries 1-5
Aguirre, Manuel: Repetition Metaphor and Conceit in the Renaissance 5-10
Campbell, Gordon: Milton and The Languages of the Renaissance 11-21
Conejo Fort, María Ángeles: In and Out of the Bird-Cage: The Language of Confinement in the Duchess of Malfi 23-30
Expósito González, María de la Cruz : Relativization and Register: a Seventeenth Century Survey 31-40
Galván Reula, Fernando: «I am not I, Pitie the Tale of Me»: Reading and Writing (in) Astrophil and Stella 41-62
Garcés García, Pilar: The Place of Man in the Chains of Being According to Sidney’s Defence of Poesie 63-68
Gregor, Kreith: Narrative and its Representation in Othello 69-75
Guerra Bosch, Teresa: Some Analogies in La Celestina and Troilus and Cresida 77-86
Healy, Thomas: Marlowe and the Drama of Protestant sexuality 87-102
López-Peláez, Jesús: Tragedy & Shared-Guilt: A Comparative Approach to Othello y El Pintor de su deshonra 103-110
López-Peláez, María Paz: El laúd en el Renacimiento inglés 111-119
Martínez López, Miguel: Renaissance Visions of Paradise: Ancient Religious Sources of Thomas More’s The Best State of a Commonwealth and the New Island of Utopia 121-132
Martínez Lorente, Joaquín: “More’s Utopia ” or “Utopia’s Utopias ?”: How to handle textual and generic doubling 133-142
Mele Marrero, Margarita: Cony Catchers and cazadores de gatos: An Examination of the Lexis Related to Thieves and Swindlers in England and Spain in the 16th and 17th Centuries 143-153
Monnickendam, Andrew: The Poet and the Bard 155-164
Muñoz Valivieso, Sofía: Northrop Frye’s Critical Approach to Shakespeare’s Last Plays 165-172
Murillo Murillo, Ana María: Redefining Characters in Translation: A Case 173-179
Olivera Villacampa, Macario: The Book Of Common Prayer: Its Making and Language 181-190
Sáez González, Rosa: Masks and Characters in The Merchant of Venice and Los intereses creados 191-202
Sánchez Escribano, F. Javier: Tamburlaine, the Scourge of God: Mexia, Marlowe and Vélez de Guevara 203-215
Sastre Colino, Concha: The Romance in Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet and The Tempest 217-228
Shepherd, Robert K.: Criseyde/Creseid/Creseida: What’s in a name? 229-236
Sinfield, Alan: Dissident Reading : Summary 237-242
Tejera Llano, Dionisia: Dr. Faustus and D. Juan: Two Baroque Heroes 243-250
Uhlig, Claus: Remarks on the Chronology of Transition: Renaissance-Mannerism-Baroque 251-271
Verdaguer, Isabel: Problems in Translating Guzmán de Alfarache into English 273-279
Sánchez Escribano, F. Javier: Who’s who in SEDERI (1993) 281-305

Sederi 3

Sederi 3
Edited by María Luisa Dañobeitia
Sederi — Granada
ISBN 84-7933-105-4


Ahrens, Rüdiger. Rhetorical means and comic effects in William Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night 1-17
Aguilera Linde, Mauricio D., Rosa Morillas Sánchez. Dulce et utile: Sidney’s contradictory poetic theory 19-29
Aguirre, Manuel. Towards a linguistic ecology of the Renaissance 31-37
Bregazzi, Josephine. Weaving an ironic web. Irony as structure in The Duchess of Malfi and The White Devil 39-48
Calvo, Clara. ‘Too wise to woo peaceably’: The meanings of thou in Shakespeare’s wooing-scenes 49-59
Dañobeitia, María Luisa. A very commonplace but painful case: A study of Venus and Adonis andThe Rape of Lucrece 61-76
Elam, Keir. Inelocutio: Shakespeare & the rhetoric of passions 77-90
Fernández Suarez, Juan Ramón. Henry VIII’s learned wives 91-98
García García, Luciano. Religion and rebelliousness in Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus 99-110
Gleeson, Mary. Three scenes of sorcery: An analysis of witchcraft in Macbeth 111-121
González Fernández de Sevilla, José Manuel. Nick Dear’s adaptation of Tirso’s Don Juan 123-132
Guerra Bosch, Teresa. On Cressida’s defence 133-138
López-Peláez Casellas, Jesús. Saint Augustine and the Renaissance concept of honour 139-148
López-Peláez Casellas, María Paz. La música sacra inglesa en el Renacimiento 149-157
López Román, Blanca. Multicritical introduction to Shakespeare television adaptations and the BBC Hamlet (1980, 1990) 159-169
Martínez López, Miguel. The Thomist concept of virtue in Ch. Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus 171-181
Medina Casado, Carmelo. Presencia de Shakespeare en la obra de Antonio Machado 183-194
Monnickendam, Andrew. Anti-Scottish sentiment  and the rise of Englishness 195-208
Murillo Murillo, Ana María. Spanish books in Captain Stevens’ library 209-218
Olivares Merino, Eugenio. On Prospero’s abjuration of his «rough magic» 219-231
Oliveira Villacampa, Macario. King James Bible: Language and times 233-242
Pando Canteli, María Jesús. The treatment of the feminine in Donne’s love poetry: Some traces of the Roman elegy 243-253
Pérez Valverde, Cristina. Misogyny and witchcraft in the Jacobean period: The case of Mother Sawyer 255-266
Sáez, Rosa. Religion, law and justice in The Merchant of Venice, Los intereses creados and La ciudad alegre y confiada 267-275
Sánchez Escribano, F. Javier. Learning Spanish in England in the 16th and 17th centuries 277-291
Shaw, Patricia. «I like my wiues deuise well»: Resourceful women in Deloney’s fiction 294-301
Shepherd, Robert K. Edmund Waller Impounded 303-311
Sierra Ayala, Lina. The religious advice of young Bacon to his Queen 313-322
Smale, Mervyn. «All our yesterdays»: Time as protagonist in Macbeth 323-328
Tejera, Dioni. Decisiva influencia de Thomas Gage en el «Western design» de Oliver Cromwell 329-342
Wallhead, Celia. Complaints about court life in Renaissance England and Spain. A comparison between Edmund Spenser’s Prosopopoia or Mother Hubbard’s Tale and an anonymous letter of 1591 from Madrid to El Escorial (Public Record Office State Papers: Spain 94 vol 4, part 1, folios 51-53v 343-354
Valdés Miyares, Rubén. «What Knox really did»: John Knox and the Scottish Renaissances 358-365

Sederi 2

Sederi 2
Edited by S. G. Fernández-Corugedo
Sederi — Universidad de Oviedo
ISBN 84-7468-512-5

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Preliminaries 1-8
Aguilera, Mauricio D.: From Fire to Water: A symbolic analysis of the elements in the Elizabethan erotic discourse 9-22
Aguirre, Manuel: The Dram of Evil: Medieval Symbolism in Hamlet 23-28
Bravo, Antonio: A Commentary on four Courtier Poets’ Autographs: 29-38
Calvo, Clara: Authorial Revision & Authoritative Texts: A Case for Discourse Stylistics and the Pied Bull Quarto: 39-58
Castillo, Francisco Javier: The English Renaissance and the Canary Islands: Thomas Nichols and Edmund Scory 57-70
Chamosa, José Luis: The strange fate of the English Arnalte y Lucenda by Diego de San Pedro 71-82
Dañobeitia, María Luisa: The Inevitable Death of Desdemona: Shakespeare and the Mediterranean Tradition 83-94
Fortunati, Vita: The ‘Female Page’: Transvestism and ‘Ambiguity’ in Elizabethan Theatre Roles 95-112
García, Francisco: Mateo de Oviedo, perhaps Ireland’s greatest Spanish Friend of all time 113-122
Gleeson, Mary: Celtic Undertones in Macbeth 123-134
González, José Manuel: Existential Needs and Political Deeds in Coriolanus 135-146
Guerra, Teresa: The Nature of Shakespearean Tragedy 147-156
Krauel, Blanca: Events surrounding Thomas Malliard’s Will, and English Merchant in Seville (1522-1523) 157-166
López-Peláez, Jesús: The Inevitable Death of Desdemona: the Conflict between Will and Reason 167-180
López-Peláez, Jesús: The Inevitable Death of Desdemona: the Conflict between Will and Reason 167-180
Monnickendam, Andrew: Fallen Fruit, Fallen Men and a Fallen State: Images in Marvell’s Pastoral Poetry 181-192
Murillo, Ana: Love and Chastity in Two Early English Versions of La Celestina 193-206
Olivera, Macario: Your Majesty, the Head of the Church of England 207-216
Pacheco, Margarita: Some Educational Aspects in England in the XVIth Century 217-230
Sánchez, Javier: The Spanish Match through the Texts: Jonson, Middleton and Howell 231-246
Sánchez, Ramón: The First Captivity Narrative: Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca’s 1542 La Relacion 247-260
Santoyo, Julio César: Lewkenor/Lucanor, 1555?-1627: fragmentos biobibliográficos de un traductor olvidado 261-288
Shaw, Patricia: Philip II and Seduction a la española in an Elizabethan Roman à Clef 289-302
Shepherd, Robert K.:Shakespeare’s Henry V; Person and Persona 303-320
Suárez, Socorro: Blood, Love and Tears: Renaissance Entertainment 313-320
Tazón, Juan Emilio & Viñuela, Urbano: ‘Caliban’s’ choice in the ‘Irish Tempest’ 321-329

Sederi 1

Sederi 1
Edited by Javier Sánchez Escribano
Sederi — Universidad de Zaragoza
ISBN 84-7733-218-5

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Shaw, Patricia. Ale-wives, Old wives, Widows and Witches: The Older Woman in English Renaissance Literature 9-35
Olivera, Macario. The Birth of the Bible in English 37-43
Suárez, Socorro y Tazón E., Juan. Platonism and Love in Sir Walter Raleigh’s life and works 45-53
Fernández, Santiago. Platonism and Love in Spenser’s minor poetry 55-70
Chamosa, J. Luis. Poetry translated from the Spanish: The case of England’s Helicon 71-82
Floren, Celia. Some aspects of rhyme and suffixation in The Rape of Lucrece 83-93
González, J. M.. Political Strategies of Drama in Renaissance England 94-104
Martínez, Miguel. The Philosophy of Death in Ch. Marlowe’s Dr. Faustus 105-122
Dañobeitia, M. Luisa. Duplication and Emulation in King Lear 123-137
Sánchez, Javier. English translations from the Spanish through French in the 17th century 139-156
Murillo, Ana. The Spanish Jilt: the first English version of La Pícara Justina 157-177
Monnickendam, Andrew. Paradise Lost as a novel 179-190
Mairal, Ricardo. The Semantic Field of “Light” and “Darkness” in Paradise Lost 191-209
López, Blanca. Sir William D’Avenant’s so-called improvements of Macbeth 211-222
Ungerer, Gustav. Thomas Shadwell’s The Libertine: A forgotten Restoration Don Juan Play 223-240